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The Creator made the earth in 6 days & on the 7th day He rested. He saw that man was lonely so He made him a help mate. And He saw that it was good. Then man and woman fell into sin and embraced selfishness. In our selfishness and sin we forget how to be helpmates to each other. We don't show respect or encouragement for each other and instead we criticize. Could it be that the Creator saw that this was not good, so then He made the dog to be an example? A schnauzer shows us how to express enthusiasm and joy for someone - every time we return home. A schnauzer shows us how to just be there - in times of discomfort or sadness. A schnauzer shows us how to show respect for someone - in its' eagerness to meet our wishes. A schnauzer is attentive to how we feel. A schnauzer is ready to protect us when we feel danger, even against overwhelming odds for a little dog. A schnauzer shows us how to care for someone else. A schnauzer will still show care for us, even after we we have shown anger towards it. It doesn't hold a grudge. A schnauzer makes us feel appreciated and encouraged. For an animal which in all likelihood, doesn't actually have the ability to love, a schnauzer sure knows how to make us feel like we are loved and appreciated. After all, isn't that the point? It brings out the best reactions in us. We then desire to treat it well. So we put love into action towards the dog. Love is a verb, so it is only truly "felt" when you express it and give it. In other words, if you don't ''feel love", it's because you are not loving. Love isn't love until you give it away. When you give it, you feel it. You feel joy and contentment. You ''feel'' this not because the dog loved you, but because you loved the dog. Now, if we could just learn from the schnauzer and show our spouses the same attention, eagerness, enthusiasm, protection, appreciation and encouragement the dog displays... COULD YOU IMAGINE THE VICIOUS CYCLE OF LOVE THIS WOULD UNLOCK IN YOUR MARRIAGE? We should all be like schnauzers with our spouses. - A schnauzer would act first - AND BY THE WAY... The Creator so LOVED the world that He GAVE His only Son so that if we would believe & trust in Him, we would not perish, but instead we would receive eternal life. - HE PUT LOVE INTO ACTION - GIVING IT AWAY FIRST - TO TAKE DEATH ON HIMSELF & PROTECT US. - THAT WAS THE ULTIMATE EXAMPLE OF LOVE!!! HE IS LOVE! But you won't "feel it" until you take the step to receive it & return it. Take the action to give Him your love.
John Schnauzer
Web page Designer